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     Olympic Committee Requests Government Assistance 

    The Prime Minister, Ephraim Inoni last March 18 discussed ways of promoting sports with leaders of the National Olympic and Sports Committee.

    The board and executive members of the National Olympic and Sports Committee are determined to support government’s efforts so that the country’s athletes can achieve more successes in international competitions. The president of the National Olympic and Sports Committee, Colonel Kalkaba Malboum expressed the ambition last March 18 at an audience with the Prime Minister, Ephraim Inoni, along with the board and executive bureau members of the committee at the Star Building in Yaounde.

    Colonel Kalkaba Malboum told the press that the audience was first of all to present the board members of the National Olympic and Sports Committee to the Prime Minister. This, he explained, "was to enable the Prime Minister know those who are piloting the affairs of the sports movement in the country". He said most of them are committed volunteers whose ambition is to complement government’s efforts in the sports domain so that Cameroonian athletes can continue to shine in international competitions. The second purpose of the visit to the Prime Minister’s Office, Colonel Kalkaba further stated was to congratulate the Prime Minister "especially as today marks his 100 days in office as Prime Minister and head of government". It was an opportunity for the top brass sports officials to express their support to the government, especially to enable it attain the great ambitions of the Head of State in sports through excellent results in international competitions.

    Members of the Olympic family want the government to support their activities in promoting sports in the country. As such, Colonel Kalkaba Malboum said "we also requested government’s support for the activities we are carrying out. Government’s assistance is needed not only in moral and financial support in preparing athletes for international competitions but more importantly in vital advice which will enable us to better manage the National Olympic and Sports Committee". The committee and the Ministry of Sports and Physical Education, the delegation leader said "have cordial relations because our joint target is to promote sports in the country".

    The Prime Minister, Colonel Kalkaba Malboum revealed, "assured us of his support because he is a great sports man". However, the Prime Minister called on the members of the National Olympic and Sports family to show understanding because the government has some financial difficulties, considering that all efforts are geared towards attaining the completion point of the HIPC Initiative, he explained. The Prime Minister, according to Kalkaba Malboum called on the sports family to show solidarity to government’s efforts in promoting sports even if some of their priorities are not looked into.

    Before granting the audience to board and executive members of the National Olympic and Sports Committee, the Prime Minister, Ephraim Inoni received in audience some traditional chiefs from the Mungo Division of the Littoral Province. Led by Chief Ngom Priso Emmanuel, the chiefs came to pledge their support to government. Eminent elite from the Mungo Division such as the Minister Delegate at the Presidency in charge of Supreme State Control, Siegfrid Etame Massoma and the Governor of the South West Province, Thomas Ejake Mbonda, accompanied the chiefs to the Prime Minister’s Office.
    Hits: 1    |   Source:cameroon-tribune.cm

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