Cameroon`s Deumi in Turkey move
Cameroon defender Armand Deumi has left Swiss Super League club FC Thun for Turkish side......
[BBC][01.07.2007][22029 hits][0 R]
Armand Deumi : "We Have a Good Team"
"I have been in top form since mid September when I completely recovered from the injury I had. I have played five matches already, including one match in the Champions League. I am alright and very......
[cameroon-tribune.cm][04.10.2005][19193 hits][0 R]
Armand Deumi. : We are Confident"
I cannot take part in the training like all the others because I was wounded last Wednesday during a champions league match. I think that I will not be available for about three......
[cameroon-tribune.cm][16.08.2005][20339 hits][0 R]
Interview : FC Thun’s Armand Deumi
After 30 rounds of matches, FC Thun lies second in the Swiss league with a chance of winning the championship that nobody ever thought possible. GOAL.com talked to one of the side’s key-players,......
[Autres][02.05.2005][22157 hits][0 R]
Armand Deumi : Le souffle de la défense
A 26 ans, le Camerounais est le meilleur arrière du championnat suisse de la saison.Au sein des Lions indomptables, il est très souvent rare qu`on fasse sortir un cadre de l`équipe pour le remplacer......
[quotidienmutations.info][29.04.2005][22348 hits][0 R]
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