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    Njitap Fotso Jeremy Sorelle

    Njitap Fotso Jeremy Sorelle

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     Geremi revelling in Toon leadership 

    Newcastle skipper Geremi is revelling in the responsibility handed to him along with the captain`s armband.

    The 28-year-old Cameroon international was a surprise choice as Scott Parker`s successor when manager Sam Allardyce asked him to lead his side within weeks of his arrival on Tyneside.

    However, Allardyce has been richly rewarded by the former Real Madrid, Middlesbrough and Chelsea midfielder, whose performances and leadership have been key to the club`s encouraging start to the season.

    Geremi said: "So far, everything is going well for the team and I hope it is going to continue like that.

    "I want to achieve something with this club wearing the armband.

    "In my case, being captain motivates me more. I am always motivated, but the armband maybe gives me more of a lift.

    "I am the sort of person on the pitch who wants to help my team-mates, that`s the type of person I am."

    Geremi headed for St James` Park on a free transfer from Chelsea as Allardyce re-shaped the midfield he inherited from Glenn Roeder.

    Scott Parker and the unfortunate Kieron Dyer have both left for West Ham as the African, fellow newcomer Alan Smith and the vastly experienced Nicky Butt have for most of the season to date formed a new-look trio in the middle of the park.

    But as he prepares to lead his side out at struggling Derby on Monday evening, the chance to play regular football after managing just 74 starts in four seasons at Stamford Bridge is fully justifying his decision to head north.

    Geremi said: "When I had the opportunity to come here, I spoke with the manager. I told him what I needed and he said he would be happy to have me in his squad.

    "But now it is up to me to do the job and play well. If I want to play regularly, I have to train well and play well, and that`s what I am trying to do."

    Allardyce`s focus during the opening weeks of the campaign has been to tighten up a notoriously leaky defence, a cause which has been aided in no small part by the additions of David Rozehnal and Claudio Cacapa to his squad.

    The Czech international, a £2.89million signing from Paris Saint-Germain, and former Lyon skipper Cacapa, have started well on Tyneside, and with Habib Beye and Abdoulaye Faye now fighting for places following their deadline day captures, the manager`s attempts to build a team which can win 1-0 are being rewarded.

    Geremi said: "So far, everything has gone well because we have not lost yet, and we hope we are going to continue in the same way.

    "Especially at the beginning of the season, if you can get one point instead of losing, you can move on to the next game with confidence."

    Most recent signings Beye and Faye should be available for the first time as Newcastle look to increase Derby`s woes after their 6-0 defeat at Liverpool.

    However, Allardyce is not being taken in by the suggestion that some bookmakers are ready to pay out on Billy Davies` side being relegated.

    He said: "What happened to Derby in the last game has left them a long time to think over that thrashing they got.

    "I believe when the game comes on Monday night, the players will be running harder and faster and longer than they have done through the season to date for the team, playing at home against Newcastle United, to try to put that result behind them.

    "They have had a long time to reflect on it and Billy will have them really fired up and if nothing else, we will have to match them for the commitment and the effort they are going to show, and that will not make life easy for us at all."
    Hits: 1    |   Source:Teamtalk

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