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    Njitap Fotso Jeremy Sorelle

    Njitap Fotso Jeremy Sorelle

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     Geremi angling for Magpies armband 

    Geremi appears to have settled in well at St James` Park Printer friendly version

    New Newcastle United signing Geremi has already set his sights on the captaincy at his new club for the first game of the new season, despite only being at St James` Park for a matter of months.

    The versatile midfielder has worn the armband in the last two games following fellow new boy Joey Barton`s foot injury against Carlisle.

    And the former Chelsea man, who is expected to revert to right full-back when the Magpies` full quota of central players return to action, said he would be "honoured" to lead the team out for the season-opener at Bolton Wanderers.

    "It is a huge honour to captain a big club like Newcastle United, even for just one game," the 28-year-old Cameroon international told the club`s official website.

    "Of course I would like the job on a full-time basis and I feel I have the qualities to do that."

    Geremi also said he understood the role of a captain and would be more than happy to take it on in a permanent capacity.

    "It is important as a captain to lead the team inside and outside the dressing room and on and off the field," he continued.

    "It is a full-time position and you have to take responsibility in all areas. I have done it for my country and I could do it here.

    "It wouldn`t be a big problem for me to do the job as captain, but the decision will be the manager`s decision and his alone."
    Hits: 1    |   Source:CLUBNEWS

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