FIFA Pays Homage to Foe
This was during the final of the Confederations Cup in South Africa last Sunday.
The world football last Sunday paid homage to Cameroon’s fallen hero, Marc Vivien Foe. His son, Marc Scott aged 15, read out a message in memory of his father just before kick off of the encounter which pitted Brazil against the United States of America. “I hope we will never forget my father’s passion for football”, he said amidst a thunderous applause from the crowd at Ellis Park in Johannesburg. He also paid homage to his father saying “Life has never been the same since dad’s death.” Marc Scott Foe who was dressed in the outfit of the Indomitable Lions bearing the mythical number 17 his father used to wear, said he was proud and humble to be among football lovers and thanked FIFA for conserving the memory of his father.
In Cameroon, there was a gala match last Friday at the Ahmadou Ahidjo stadium between the friends of Foe and a selection of stars in memory of the departed Lion. Foe collapsed on the field and lost consciousness during a Confederations Cup semi-final in France in 2003 and died soon after arriving in hospital. He was later found to have suffered from hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, a heart-related disease. He was 28. Foe died when he was making his 64th international appearance. He played at club level for Manchester City and Racing Lens, among other sides. City retired the number 23 shirt he wore, while at their new Eastlands stadium there is a small memorial garden for him. Racing Lens renamed an avenue near their Felix Bollaert Stadium after him and he was given a state funeral in Cameroon.
Hits: 1 | Source:cameroon-tribune.cm | |
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Match symbolique pour le lancement du Fonds Marc-Vivien Foé.
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FIFA Pays Homage to Foe
This was during the final of the Confederations Cup in South Africa last Sunday.......
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MARC VIVIEN FOE : Le Cameroun lui rend hommage
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Hommage : Marc Vivien Foé for ever
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